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eLearning Course Development to Standardize Client's Customer Service Practices

Executive Summary

A multinational bakery manufacturing company looking to invest in a more standardized, modern training program for its frontline employees faced a tight deadline.

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The Challenge: Meeting tight training deadlines

As part of a larger initiative to update and standardize company training, the company wanted a custom learning solution that would provide frontline employees with the tools to perform their jobs consistently and more effectively. In order to create an interactive training program that could be delivered, either as instructor-led training (ILT) or eLearning, the company invested in Alchemy Creator, a courseware tool used to produce training courses.

However, due to scheduling conflicts and a lack of resources, the company could no longer oversee the training program internally.

The Solution: Develop custom, industry-specific training modules

Needing a quick turnaround, the company partnered with Judge Learning Solutions (JLS) to develop and deploy a custom training program using Alchemy. The JLS team worked closely with the company and its subject matter experts to determine the cadence of training modules, procedures, and associated delivery schedules within Alchemy.

JLS also developed training on specific FDA-regulated topics including Mold Basics, Safe Quality Food Commitment, Food Safety Modernization Act, Chemical Control, and Internal Audits among others. Working closely with the company, Judge’s learning specialists developed detailed training modules in Alchemy to address these subjects.

To meet the tight deadline, a JLS Instructional Designer (ID) used an Agile development approach, correcting any timing or system issues as the program developed. JLS graphic designers worked alongside the ID and project management team to produce high-quality, custom graphics, narration, and display text specific to each module.

The Result: Custom, interactive training delivered on time within budget

Covering a wide variety of specific topics, the JLS team developed interactive modules that could be delivered either as ILT or eLearning. Each module included engaging photos and videos, along with instructional demos, to promote active listening and engagement. JLS placed interactive quizzes at the end of each module to test comprehension and included remediation loops to assist struggling learners. This approach enabled learners to increase their knowledge and improve their skills across the FDA-mandated topics to better perform their jobs.